Why the name?

Admiral Tiny sounds quite a random name for a blog. It is infact named this way because it is an anagram, a word made up from letters of another word. So, Admiral Tiny is not that much of a weird name after all.

Sunday 7 October 2012


Sunrise is the most beautiful time of the day. The land and water is like a watercolour dream, the pink/orange sky as a stunning backdrop. The most amazing place to be at sunrise is in the sky, looking out over the beautiful peach sky reflected off of lakes and dazzling your eyes. Sounds of trickling water calm you and birds are tweeting happily as silence falls across the land. Nobody is awake; they’re all asleep in their warm beds unaware of the gorgeous sights and sounds outside. That is why sunrise is the most peaceful and amazing time of the day, there is nobody to ruin the tranquility

1 comment:

  1. Very evocative...and the final line gives you a great invitation into some action when you come to develop it. I wonder if you can consider other tiny sounds so that you really focus on that aspect of the description.
